Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First day of KINDERGARTEN!!!

I may just bawl through this little princess is in Kindergarten....FULL day Kindergarten. As you can see above with her "you are special" plate and her smiley face pancakes, Madi is very excited for her first day. We've all heard it a million times about how quickly our kids grow up and we are always asking ourselves "where did the time go?" but seriously I can not believe she has started her school career. Okay okay she did to 3 and 4 year old preschool but that was just the fun stuff, at the time I didn't think it really counted - kind of like 2 practice runs for me :)
We actually bought her back pack last year and when she put it on with her lunch attached and water bottle it was so heavy she could hardly stand up straight. So since the first day we've purchased a more suitable light weight one for her.
We are very lucky to live right across the street from Madi's elementary school so we are able to save some gas and walk (when it's not scorching hot.....we do drive on those days). So here we are walking Madi to her first day. I didn't want a picture of my face because I was trying so hard to hold back the tears so don't be jealous of the backside picture :) There were a zillion kids and parents watching their kids and taking pictures so we decided to join in...we got to watch Madi play on the little Kindergarten playground.
When the bell rang and teacher blew the whistle all the little kiddos got their backpacks off the fence and lined up as best they could and followed their teachers into school.
Here she is (sorry it's blurry) waving and saying bye. And that was it....well except for me crying all the way home.
She had a blast the first day. She did come home hot and exhausted but very excited to go back the next day.


Tara Fischbeck said...

Ive missed this post! Sounds a lot like me the first day. The kids did great but I cried for about 10 minutes. Its just a wierd experience dropping your first at school in the trust of someone and something totally out of your control!

SaraMarie said...

Great blog Niki! Great to read stories about what you've all been up to. She's so cute!

Stacy said...

Sniff, sniff! She looks great! How exciting!


She is a cutie! Now you have all kinds of time to get things done right?? :)