Tuesday, July 21, 2009

American Idol Concert 2009

I am just going to say right up front that I love Kris Allen!!! I was so happy to get tickets to the concert that I could hardly contain myself on the car ride there. Brady wasn't quite as excited but I think he endured because he loves me so much ;) (see below.....who do you think is more enthusiastic)
It was crazy L-O-U-D the entire time!! But I loved every second of it!! I thought pretty much all the performers did a great job!! This is Kris rocken' out playing his guitar!! Loved it!!!
I would have to say that the most inspirational moment for me what when Danny Goeke sang "My Wish." Before he sang he kind of gave a little devotional if you will about how sometimes tough things happen in our life but that doesn't have to define us, we can look to God for support and help to get us through life. And not matter what you are never alone, and we can always wish and dream.
Above is Danny while he was singing Pretty Young Thing. And then here is Adam doing his thing. I would say that Adam had the most visiually stimulating stage off all, it was just awsome and totally fit his on stage personality. His make-up was fabulous - went along great with his voice!!
Overall, we had a fun night together kiddo free. We missed Madi bunches but she had a really fun time spending the night with her Auntie Amy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2nd tooth!!

Seriously.....Madi has lost another tooth!! Please tell me there are other of you fellow bloggers who have kids who are 5 not even in Kindergarten yet that have lost 2 teeth!!??! Her dentist says it's normal, but I just can't wrap my head around it. Maybe it's denial....she's growing up too quickly.
I think she's really liking this whole loosing your teeth gig....she's so excited right after it comes out that she can't wait to put it in her tooth fairy pillow and see what the little fairy leaves for her.