One of my favorite times of the night is when I'm heading off to sleep myself and I go into check on my little princess. Almost every night she has something in her bed (usually a book) or she arranged something on her floor. I just love to go in and see what she looks like!! Here are some pics to show what I'm talking about.

She usually has her hand on her little face, wierd cuz I do that too :) Madi loves to make little roads and bridges with anything she can.
(please excuse the messyness, her room doesn't start off that way when she goes to bed)

And she also likes to take wierd things to bed with her like that pink balloon. I think she knew it was going to be deflated in the morning she didn't want to let it go.
And we can't forget what a little mommy she is to her dolls, stuffed animals, etc. So this particular night she decided that Mickey Mouse was cold, so she bundled him all up and kept him close to her all night. The next morning I asked her how Mickey slept and she said, "he was crying forever so I
had to let him sleep with my momma and I didn't want him to get cold so I let him use one of my blankets"
Isn't she the
cutest Madi you've
ever seen?!? I sure think so :)