Madi woke up around 7:30 this morning, which if you don't know is quite early for her. She is definately not an early riser (
she gets it from her dad). And she came in my room and asked what time school started. I told her at 9am so we had some time to eat breakfast and get ready. We had a great time getting ready....she already chose her 1st day of school outfit the night before (so I could make a bow to match).....deciding how to fix her hair. And more than anything I think she was happy to finally get to wear her new Princess light-up shoes.
Needless to say the morning couldn't go fast enough for her. Once she got to school, she was very excited to find her cubby with her new froggy name tag. Madi was also so happy to see her best friend Maggie finding her cubby too. And shortly after we arrived, her new teacher opened the door and told the kiddos to come on in. Madi ran over to me for one last hug and kiss and she was off.....walked right in and didn't look back.
When I went to pick her up...

She already had her sunglasses in hand and was grabbing her backpack. So when I saw her I asked her what new things she learned and she just said, "I don't know mom, we mostly played today. I think we'll learn something on Friday." And then her next words were, "So can we go get Jamba Juice now?" Her daddy told her last night that she could get Jamba Juice after her 1st day of school and our little elephant doesn't forget a thing. She wanted to call daddy just to make sure that we could go right now and didn't have to wait for him to get home from work....poor daddy missed out, but we brought him one home and stuck it in the fridge until he came home.
I think this was actually one of her favorite parts of the day!!!
1 comment:
Very cute! I think at their age they are so ready to go to school! It is funny how kids don't forget anything that you tell them if it be a treat or something.
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