When Brady and I went to check Wiket out at the owners house, he was the last one left and the smallest they said. We scooped him up and brought him home that day. I was living at my parents house at the time and my mom had specifically told me not to bring a dog home (growing up we always had outside dogs). But I couldn't leave without him, so we bought him-well Brady bought him as an early birthday present. We took him over to Brady's parents house and weighed him because he was so very little....turns out he was only 1.5 lbs and a few days later when we took him to the vet, he told me that Wiket was probably only 4 weeks old and too young to be away from his mom, but what could I do....Wikets mom was in Prescott. So back to the day we brought him home, we were petting and holding him and noticed he was actually covered in ticks-we spent the next several hours picking them off of the little guy. Eventually that nice September evening I took him home with me. My mom was taken by him right away, but told me I had to take care of him. The next several weeks were filled with lots of puppy time-see I had to wake up every 2 hours in the night to feed him since he was so young. Eventually he slept through the night (i know sounds just like a child).
When I moved out of my parents house I couldn't take him with me so there he stayed. When Brady and I were getting married, my dad bought a dog for my mom (she had become attached to having Wiket around) and Wiket and Willo became inseperable. So I made the decision to leave him at my parents house. I still would see him as much as I wanted. That is were Wiket lived, with my parents, Darrin and Willo.
I will never forget my furry friend!! I loved him to pieces. Rest in peace Wikeysticks.