Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

The morning that Madi's preschool class was having their Thanksgiving feast Madi was so excited for me to come to her classroom and see all of the things they had been making in preparation for this fun day. This is all of the cute kiddos in her class. They all made fun vests and necklaces to wear. You could tell on each of their faces that they were all so proud to be wearing each piece that they had made themselves.
This was the kids getting ready to march from the classroom to the dinning room where the feast was to be held. Madi could hardly wait to get going! She has the biggest smile on her face just waiting to march, march, march!After Madi got into the feast and all of the food was served and eaten, she looked at me and said, "I think I need to be done now mom." I am so thankful that Madi has such a wonderful preschool teacher and the fun children in her class that she gets to see each week. She just loves going to school and is even more excited when she gets to go all day, as she tells me.
When we were in the car riding home I asked Madi what she was most thankful for, thinking her answer would probably be something reflective of her day, but to my surprise she said, "I'm so thankful for God and my parties. Mom I love my parties-maybe for my 5 year old party God can come and see how fun they are." All I could say was "I'm sure He is smiling right now Madi." I hope you are too!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treating with Minnie

Here is our adorable little Minnie Mouse (this was actually taken before Halloween)

I have to let you all know that the first time this season I asked Madi what she wanted to dress up as for Halloween and her reply...a potato. Yep you read right a potato. At first I have to admit I was a little heart broken my little princess wanted to be an ol' dirty potato...yes I know there are lots of ideas out there but that was all I could think at first. Then some how we ended up at the Disney store :) and she saw this cute Minnie Mouse costume and said she had changed her mind and would rather be Minnie Mouse with the pink dress just like the one from Mickey Mouse Club House. I have to shamefully say that I was a bit happier.

I have to say thank you so much to the Moores for hosting such a fun Halloween night!! This was the group of kids that all went trick or treating together!!

They were all so cute and had so much energy they could've kept going all night I'm sure. They went from house to house like they've been doing this trick or treating thing form years and years....Madi is only 4 so she hasn't
been doing it that long, but I guess kids catch on quickly when they go to houses say a couple words and people drop candy in their baskets.

Eventually this is how our fun night ended....with Madi saying, "Mom, my bag is just too heavy for me to carry, pleeeeease will you carry it for me?" And in the next breath she turned around and said, "Daddy I can't walk anymore carry me back please." Sure enough he scooped her right up. It was so much fun walking around with all the cute kiddos and adults too.

Madi was so tired when we came home that she took out 2 tootsie rolls put them on the piano and said she would eat them in the morning and went straight to bed.